Dehumidifier Aero 360º Recharge

Dehumidifier Aero 360º Recharge

Rubson AERO 360º

▪ AERO360º absorbs excess moisture and neutralizes bad odors thanks to its unique 360º air circulation system, thus increasing its efficiency by up to 40%
▪ The 2-in-1 tablet converts moisture into salt water
▪ Salt water is collected in the AERO
▪ No electricity required
▪ Respects the environment, and is practical

▪ The AERO360 ° 450g tablet is used with the AERO 360 ° device and is ideal for divisions up to 22 m2 in size and with poor airflow. For larger divisions it is advisable to use more than one device


Tablet 450 g.
Tablet 450 g.
Units/Box: 12
Ref.: HEN1898051


